Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Rid of Saddlebags...Forever!

As far back as I can remember, those bulging fat pockets hanging just below the gluteus maximus--or better known as the butt, rear, derriere or any number of names--just wouldn’t go away. Years of dieting and exercise had no impact on my unsightly fat pockets. I had almost decided to embrace my saddlebags and except them for what they were, a part of me--a BIG part of me!

Then, I finally got smart about eating and working out. My 54th birthday is just around the corner and I’m happy to report, I am now free of saddlebags. It took 50 years for me to face the fact that my eating habits and lack of exercise were harming my health and the way I looked and felt. I love sharing my secrets with anyone who is willing to make some serious changes in their lifestyle--changes that will lead to better health and a fabulous body. Now that’s a combination we can all live with.

So here are my secrets to getting rid of saddlebags…Forever! And, absolutely no surgery or lipo is required.

1) Start eating clean and continue doing so for a lifetime. It’s about a new lifestyle not a fad diet. Is this an easy change? No it isn’t. But it is the change that will make you look and feel like a new person. And, there’s nothing to buy but wholesome food that can be found in every grocery store in the country.

Here are a few blogs that I’ve written on the subject and if followed will not only help in getting rid of saddlebags but will assuredly make you feel like putting a bathing suit--or even bikini--and hitting the beach. Clean Eating…a Lifestyle for Life; Beach Body by Summer…with this gradual plan (Part 1).

2) Cardiovascular exercise is a must if want to get rid of saddlebags. The absolute best cardio for this specific area is interval training performed on the stationary bike or outdoor bicycle. Here is a recent blog I wrote on the subject--Beach Body by Summer…with this gradual plan (Part 2).

3) Stiff-legged deadlifts for hamstrings and glutes. This is one exercise that will help to shape your glutes while eliminating saddlebags.

This weight routine can be performed with either a barbell or set of dumbbells.

Believe it or not, that’s it! These are the secrets to getting rid of saddlebags…Forever. Keep in mind this simple truth, "Nothing worthwhile comes easy".

Be sure to watch for Parts 3 & 4 of my series, Beach Body by Summer…with this gradual plan. Now, go get rid of those saddlebags.

Gale Compton of Fit Fabulous Forever
Certified Fitness Trainer

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