Saturday, February 26, 2011

Beach Body by Summer...with this gradual plan (Part 1)

This morning my brother called and asked if I would recommend three things he could do to get started toward a Clean Eating lifestyle. His exact request, "I’m not ready just yet to go cold turkey but I am ready to do a few things to get started, maybe even three things. I prefer to take it slow. So Sis, what do you recommend that will get me beach body ready by summer?”

For you dear brother, and anyone else wanting a trimmed down body with some muscle definition by summer, but preferring a gradual plan, here are my three recommendations:

First and foremost, stop eating refined sugar. I do, however, recommend that you gradually reduce your sugar intake over the next two weeks. A gradual reduction of all refined sugar will help you avoid the side effects associated with sugar withdrawals, i.e., headaches, less energy, dizziness, nausea, irritability, etc.. Refined sugar, in one form or another, is found in almost all processed foods with few exceptions. This first recommendation will require a lot of label reading--of which you will quickly become an expert.

Refined sugar comes in all sorts of disguises. You can be assured that by turning over the packaging to the ingredient's list, you’ll see one or more refined sugars with a name other than "sugar"--meant to deceive the consumer, you and me. Beware of food packaging that advertises, no High Fructose Corn Syrup. You can almost be assured that refined sugar of some sort will be listed among the ingredients.

I recall many years ago attempting to stop my refined sugar addiction by going cold turkey. The second morning, after going an entire day without the white stuff, left me so weak that I had to sit on the side of the tub when showering for fear of passing out. This alone is reason enough to question the hold sugar has on our overall health.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day, about every three hours. By eating more often and giving up the three squares a day mentality, you will never be hungry. Believe it or not, you’ll begin to burn fat simply by eating more frequently. Your metabolism will begin to increase and soon you’ll be a fat burning machine without even trying. And the good news--you will be moving toward living a healthier lifestyle.

Portion sizes should be no larger than the palm of your hand. Simply by reducing your portion sizes you will begin to see dramatic results in your waistline. Try eating on salad plates for each meal, toss the diner plates--and make it a habit. This one minor change will help create your beach body in record time.

Yes, I know only three recommendations were asked for. But I think this additional one won’t be too difficult to incorporate. Drink lots and lots of water--shoot for two liters a day.  I’m not talking flavored water, just plain old, out of the facet water. If you have a filter on your facet, great. Recent studies show that most tap water is far less contaminated than bottled water and best of all, it won‘t cost an arm and a leg. So drink up!

O.K. brother, and anyone else interested, I’ve given you my recommendations for taking three steps toward beginning a Clean Eating lifestyle. Let me know how it’s going and when you are ready, I’ll give you my next three recommendations. By following these three simple steps and gradually incorporating additional ones, you’ll soon be ready to hit the beach with your new slim & trim body…guaranteed!!!

Coming soon...Beach Body by Summer parts 2, 3, and 4! In part 3, I will include four unrefined all natural sweeteners that are considered members of the clean eating family. But for now, it's important to concentrate on eliminating refined sugar before other sweeteners are introduced into your lifestyle plan---even clean eating ones.

Gale Compton of Fit Fabulous Forever
Certified Fitness Trainer



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