Thursday, March 10, 2011

Take THE NO SUGAR Challenge

What a perfect time to rid ourselves of the sugar addiction. Myself and Tiffany of The Gracious Pantry decided to challenge ourselves and invite everyone else to join in. Beginning today, March 10th we are giving up all added sugar for the next two weeks.

Not to worry if you noticed the challenge a day or so later, join in time like the present!

Fruit– One to two pieces of fruit per day are allowed. A small handful of unsweetened berries can be substituted for a piece of fruit. Although fruit has natural sugar it also has tons of nutritional value and is most definitely good for our health.

Processed Foods – Here is the real culprit! Label reading will be important as almost all processed foods contain sugar in one form or another. Here is a fairly comprehensive list of sugar by all sorts of names.

The important thing to keep in mind is that all sugar, to include raw honey, sorghum, sucanat, cane syrup, molasses, maple syrup, etc., can pack on the pounds. This is an opportunity to cleanse your body of all added sugar while having support and motivation from me, Tiffany and countless others who are on board with the challenge.

So, from March 10th – March 24th we our joining together to eliminate all added sugar from our diets.
After the two weeks, maybe you'll decide that having more energy naturally is the way to go. Let's support each other and make this happen!

For loads of support, encouragement and motivation:

Facebook me by jumping here.
Facebook Tiffany by jumping here.

So let's get started and TAKE THE NO SUGAR CHALLENGE!!!
Gale Compton of Fit Fabulous Forever
Certified Fitness Challenge

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