Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lose Fat and Gain The Body of Your Dreams

At 50 I made the choice to get fit, get healthy and stay that way forever. My entire adult life had involved going on one fad diet after another and always regaining every ounce that I lost, and usually more. Let's face it, we all know the kind of foods that make us fat, that inconsistent exercise isn't effective and that we are responsible for the choices we make...good or bad.

There's no better time than the present to make your health a priority. So here's your chance to take the steps toward a life time of good health, losing fat and gaining the body of your dreams.

Steps to Lose Fat and Gain The Body of Your Dreams:

Make the decision to lose weight, get fit and stay that way. First and foremost remove the word "try" from your vocabulary. Whatever it takes, be determined to make it happen. The word "try" always implies a possibility of failure. Making a decision and holding firm is the number one step to any dream, goal or aspiration.

Face the fact there is no magic pill. Or, as my husband says, "We're a culture plagued by The Magic Pill Syndrome." First, anyone wishing to lose weight, fat, blubber, cellulite--whatever you choose to call it--realize there is no magic pill. I was on the diet roller coaster for most of my adult life, and made the decision three years ago to ask the conductor to let me off. The conductor was, of course, me. Lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, up, down, up, down--it’s never ending. That’s the story of the magic pill or as it’s more commonly known, “Fad Diet”. It took me 50 years to accept that the "Magic Pill Syndrome" doesn't work...will never work.

Start Eating Clean and make it a Lifestyle. My journey led me to discovering the one--near perfect--way of eating that would promote good health and fat loss--and not leave me starving. There were many other perks to this new way of eating that I would learn about along the way: slowing and reversing the aging process, having an abundance of energy, sleeping more soundly, clear and glowing skin, cellulite reduction or elimination, more focused thinking, fewer mood swings, and on and on…

Make weight training a part of your life. Next, my quest for the most effective fat loss, body sculpting, metabolism boosting workout led me to weight training. Yes, I’m talking about dumbbells, barbells, cable and weight machines. Here too, I discovered all sorts of benefits that were unexpected; for example, improved: bone density, immune system, self-esteem, flexibility, strength, stamina, and the list goes on. But of course like most people, looking & feeling fabulous were at the top of my list.

Move. Running was one of the things my research showed to be most effective toward living a long and healthy life. In fact, studies show that running burns up to 700 calories in an hour and is the best all time fat burning workout. It’s also a great way to increase your metabolism. I started training almost three years ago for my first organized race. I have since become a lover of running and recently completed another half marathon. If, however, you are one of the many who have issues with knees, hips or ankle joints and simply cannot run, there's good news. Walking briskly while swinging your arms and carrying 1-2 lb dumbbells can have tremendous health benefits and is a great way to get your heart pumping. An hour of brisk walking burns about 320 calories.

Plan. Now that I knew what had to be done to lose weight and get fit, I created a plan to make it happen. I’m not too fond of guess work, so I laid the process out step by step on how I would proceed.

There you have it. Getting rid of unwanted fat and creating a lean and well defined body doesn't have to be--and shouldn't be--overly complicated. Getting healthy by losing fat and getting fit depends on how much you want it and if you are willing to put forth the effort to make it happen. Take my word for it--the end results are well worth it.

Follow me on Facebook for fitness info, clean eating recipes, discussions, blogs, videos and more.

Gale Compton of Fit Fabulous Forever
Certified Fitness Trainer



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