Monday, February 28, 2011

Motivation 101

How many countless times have we enthusiastically started a fitness program or diet on Monday morning, only to abandon it by Friday night?...for me, about a thousand times. Let's face it...getting motivated is easy- staying motivated for a lifetime is difficult at best.

If you're interested in losing weight and keeping it off, fad diets are typically the most attractive way to go. But as we all know...they don't work. Sure you may lose weight...keeping it off is another story.

I've finally discovered motivational techniques that actually work. It doesn't matter what your ultimate goals are- these tips work for just about anything. Keep in mind that these techniques are what helped me get through some giant hurdles and continue to work to this day. If you are ready, willing, and able to get Fit Fabulous Forever, try these tips on for size:

- Set specific goals. Make certain your goals are inspiring...don't settle for less than what you truly want.

- Visualize the end result and do it least 3 times a day. This tip is extremely effective if it is to becomes a habit. See yourself as you want to look and feel... when you wake up, once during the day and just before falling asleep. Remember, habits usually take around 30 days to take hold.

- Talk a lot--to anyone who will listen--about the importance of exercise and eating clean. Let others know how exercise and eating healthy has transformed your life...and it will, especially if you talk to others about its importance. We are more likely to hold ourselves accountable if we tell others about our goals.

- Plan fitness routine weekly. This is a biggie! Take 10 minutes to write down what exercises to include in your plan for the week. Without a's too easy to get off track.

- Prepare food the night before. This is especially important if you go to work most days. I've found that cutting up fruits and veggies, putting nuts and raisins in a baggie and making a sandwich the night before, ensures that I'll be able to eat clean while at work...saves money too.

- Eat 5-6 times daily. No more eating only 3 meals a day. By eating 5-6 times daily, you will never be hungry. Try eating 3 clean snacks and 3 small meals every day. Make sure you include a healthy fat, lean protein and good (complex) carbohydrate with each snack and meal.

- Schedule the exact time of workout and stick to it. Sure, we can always find something else that needs to get done and seems more important at the time--it's not. Keep in mind that being fit is empowering and will positively affect every aspect of your life.

- Treat yourself. For every milestone--be it losing five pounds or seeing toned abs--treat yourself to something special. What about a massage, facial or new pair of shoes? Whatever you's well deserved.

- Try it own for size. Keep a pair of jeans around that you wore when starting your new lifestyle and try on once a week. It's exciting to see progress in jeans...

You can do it!! Come on...let's get Fit Fabulous Forever...together.

Gale Compton of Fit Fabulous Forever
Certified Fitness Trainer

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